Thursday, May 14, 2009

Food, Inc. the latest from Participant Productions

Just last night I attended a private screening of "Food, Inc." from Participant productions. The movie did a very good job of presenting the challenges, and opportunities for change in the way we create food - through the industrial food system. Some of the film told the story of meat production as shown in the entertaining classic short film "The Meatrix" by Free Range Studios.

It surprises me how ignorant many environmentalists and "conscious people" are of the health and environmental impacts of the food choices we make.

From the movie trailer: " have a small group of multinational corporations who control the entire food system from seed to the supermarket. This isn't just about what we're eating, this is about what we're allowed to say,it's not just our health that is at risk... They don't want farmer's talking - they don't want this story told..."

What to do?

Buy organic.
Know where your food has come from, and how it was prepared.
Shop at a farmer's market or local food co-op.
If you must eat meats - eat less, eat organic.
Educate yourself on the industrial food system, talk about it.
Change the way you eat.
Eat consciously.
If you must eat fish - eat Marine Stewardship Council approved seafoods.
Vegetables and fruits? Avoid the foods with the most amount of chemicals - find out on
"Don't eat anything you see advertised." - Michael Pollan said in the interview below.

You'll be healthier, and the planet will too!

Michael Pollan, author of "Omnivore's Dilemma" and featured in Food, Inc., was interviewed on Democracy Now.

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