Monday, May 27, 2013

Innovation for the next 100 years.

Innovation which does not have resiliency embedded at it's core is likely a mirage of true evolutionary change.

The recent article "Innovation for the Next 100 Years"in Stanford Social Innovation Review by Judith Rodin from The Rockefeller Foundation wrote states:

"Innovating for resilience is critical if we are to protect against the disruptions of the 21st-century world. As we do so, we should keep in mind the qualities resilient networks, communities and organizations share. Among them are:

  • FLEXIBILITY | able to change, evolve, and adapt at a rapid pace. 
  • REDUNDANCY | able to change course and adopt alternative approaches. 
  • RESOURCEFULNESS | able to identify problems, establish priorities, and mobilize resources and assets to achieve goals. 
  • SAFE-FAILURE | able to absorb shocks and the cumulative effects of slow-onset challenges so as to avoid catastrophic failure if thresholds are exceeded. 
  • RESPONSIVENESS | able to re-organize and re-establish fund and order following a failure. 
  • LEARNING | able to internalize experiences and apply those lessons to decrease vulnerabilities to future disruptions.
These are very close to the life's principles as defined by the Biomimicry Institute.