Saturday, May 09, 2020

Returning to the riddling road to Delphi

Perhaps  “Dear Oracle”  was the phrase weary travelers said, just off the ancient road to the Oracle of Delphi. They wrestled with the riddles of their time, seeking better questions and insights these ancients opened to the wisdom at the pinnacle of their vision quests.

A pilgrimage to Delphi was the ayahuasca of the time for leaders, pundits, philosophers and politicians who sought counsel from a deeper perspective. Some would return again and again to ask better questions, and to rethink thought, born from the confounding answers they surmised which were drawn from their interpretations of the riddles from the oracle.

Visionary economist and thought innovator, John Elkington reflected on his experiences pre and post a visit to Delphi this year surrounding one of the most  riddling set of circumstances and moments that our civilization has ever encountered...

The story begins with "My 50-Year Journey to Delphiwhere he shares that “the world severely disrupted and ultimately truncated the trip, but the net result was glorious"

During the time that most of us were all safe at home, and sufficiently kerfuffled, as if we were asked by the great mystery to go to our room and think about what we’ve done, he wrote a subsequent article, fresh with clarity.

He reflects again, perhaps like every other person after their return from Delphi, new insights forming new imaginings that maybe the oracle would say something in the future like:

"Is not our heart centered leadership to emerge fully for our world from within our hearts now?"

Maybe merely asking the question in our hearts is enough, yet for most of us, a sea change would come about when we walk the heroic path of daily life, by diving deep within our hearts in the most common moments, to our own inner oracle...

While in our kitchens doing the dishes, or driving on the phone with a friend, or in zoom calls with our colleagues, we can ironically find the most precious moments of clarity, from a gaze deep into the unknown inside with newfound curiosity.

May we discover the next step on the path before us, through our hearts, by only listening to our hearts.

Can we imagine that the source of light and illumination is already inside us, as us?

Maybe this open inquiry reveals to us the many ways to expand and savor the joyous sensations born of heroically meeting the challenges of the moment?

From here, now, we can lead our lives knowing the oracle of beauty, light and wisdom lives unexpectedly in the depths of our very own heart.

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