Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Real Wealth is well being.

A recent Truthout.org article called "Beyond Scarcity: Reinventing Wealth in a Progressive Society" shares different perspectives of wealth.

The article points out different definitions and understandings of wealth -

"Wealth is Well-being

Wealth is seen as the well-being of individuals, society and the earth. Wealth is already present in nature; it is not "created." Clean air and water, strong communities and fertile soils are inherently valuable because our well-being depends on them - independent of markets.

In this view, to "do good" is a form of wealth preservation. We can see this with a form of common wealth that we all depend upon - the air we breathe. The logic works like this:

1. Wealth is anything that creates well-being.

2. Clean air increases well-being, so it is a form of wealth.

3. Dirtying the air reduces well-being, so it is a loss of wealth.

4. Keeping the air clean is preserving wealth.

Put another way, as progressives we recognize that even the hardest working person will starve if there is no food. Conversely, we believe that the Good Life is about more than money (beautifully depicted in this video by Free Range Studios)."

Here's the video - which narrates the classic story I heard first from my first spiritual teacher Swami Muktananda.

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